Dear spammer, get it right and win a holiday

Today I am using my blog to send some appreciation to my spammers. My spammers have been very prolific. Their comments, invisible for the daily readers, are visible to me when I open my ‘deleted spam comments’ and am reading their posts. Varying from porno advertisements to jokes, they sometimes add value to my thinking. Take the comments of a spammer who calls himself Twisted Reality This person is actually making me laugh with the sentence: NLtaalblog….very nifty. Evoking reactions that have a similar content, like NLtaalblog…very nice… and NlTaalblog..don’t want to miss it…, they actually make a polemic conversation that is worth some attention. But I think it could be better. Therefore…dear spammers…anyone of you who comes up with an original post that will enlighten the content of my blog,…will win a holiday at Roompot Holidays, in Limburg Holland! For three days a wonderful Wellness Experience… Of course, your contribution will be posted right on this blog!!!

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